The changes to the Stage 3 personal income tax cuts — to take effect on 1 July 2024 — announced by the Government earlier this year are now law. Broadly the changes amend the previously legislated tax cuts to:
The tax-free threshold of $18,200 is unchanged.
The table below sets out the tax rates that will now apply from 1 July 2024.
Taxable income | Tax payable |
$0 – $18,200 | Nil |
$18,201 – $45,000 | Nil + 16% of excess over $18,200 |
$45,001 – $135,000 | $4,288 + 30% of excess over $45,000 |
$135,001 – $190,000 | $31,288 + 37% of excess over $135,000 |
$190,001+ | $51,638 + 45% of excess over $190,00 |
From the ATO
Is your business eligible for concessions?
As a small business owner, you may be eligible for concessions on the amount of tax you pay. This depends on your business structure, your industry and your annual turnover.
If you have an aggregated turnover of less than:
You will generally need to keep records for five years to prove any claims you make. You can choose how you keep these records, but you may find electronic record keeping easier and more convenient.
Talk to your tax adviser to learn about all the tax concessions available to small business owners.
Check your PAYG instalments
If you are a sole trader, now is a good time to check that your PAYG instalments still reflect your expected end-of-year tax liability.
If your business’ circumstances have changed and you think you will pay too much (or too little) in instalments for the year, the instalments can be varied on the next activity statement (due on 28 April 2024). Instalments can be varied multiple times throughout the year. The varied amount or rate will apply for the remaining instalments for the income year or until another variation is made.
If your varied instalments are less than 85% of your total tax payable, you may have to pay a general interest charge on the difference, in addition to paying the shortfall. Depending on the circumstances there may also be penalties.
If you are not sure, it is best to not vary your instalments. Any overpaid instalments will be refunded to you after you lodge your tax return.
If your business is affected by COVID-19 or a natural disaster, the ATO has said it will not apply penalties or charge interest to varied instalments if you have made your best attempt to estimate your end of year tax liability.
Your tax adviser or BAS agent can help you with your activity statements and tax returns.
Claiming working from home expenses
If you have been working from home this income year, you will probably have some work-related expenses you can claim.
There are two ways to calculate a working from home deduction — the fixed rate method and the actual cost method.
If you use the fixed rate method, you can claim a rate of 67 cents per hour worked at home.
This amount covers additional running expenses, including electricity and gas, phone and internet usage, stationery and computer consumables. A deduction for these costs cannot be claimed elsewhere in your tax return.
You can, however, separately claim the decline in value for any depreciating assets, like office furniture or technology.
You must have the right records.
For the fixed rate method, this includes a record of:
For the actual cost method, you will need a record of:
EV home charging rates
Do you use an electric vehicle (EV) for work? If you do, you may be able to use the ATO’s cents-per-kilometre rate for calculating electricity costs when you charge the EV at home. You can use this method instead of determining the actual cost of the electricity.
This cents-per-kilometre method can also be used for fringe benefits tax (FBT) purposes if you provide an EV to an employee who charges it at home.
The choice is per vehicle and applies for the whole income or FBT year. However, it can change from year to year.
Particular points to note are:
Record keeping and transitional approach for 2022–23 and 2023–24
If you choose to apply the EV home charging rate for FBT purposes, a valid logbook must be maintained if the operating cost method is used.
To satisfy the record keeping requirements for income tax purposes, you need to have:
However, if you have not maintained odometer records as at the start of the 2022–23 or 2023–24 FBT or income year, the ATO will allow a reasonable estimate to be used based on service records, logbooks or other available information.
Fringe benefits tax alternative record keeping
If you have employees and provide fringe benefits, from 1 April 2024, for certain benefits you can choose to:
Where you choose to use the alternative records option, you must have the minimum information required at the time of lodging your FBT return for the FBT year (or by 21 May following the end of the FBT year if you do not have to lodge a return). The ATO will accept these records as a substitute for a travel diary or certain employee declarations.
There is no limit on the number of records that may, together, meet the information requirements.
The option to use alternative records is available on a benefit-by-benefit basis.
An employer may choose to use alternative records for some benefits of one type, even if they choose to rely on records in the approved form for other benefits of that same type.
The alternative record option is available in relation to:
There are multiple ways in which owners may access private company money, such as through salary and wages, dividends or complying Division 7A loans. Division 7A is an area where the ATO sees many errors, across both the basics and more complex aspects.
Broadly, under Division 7A, certain loans and payments by private companies to shareholders (and associates of those shareholders) are taken to be unfranked dividends. An unpaid present entitlement may also be taken to be an unfranked dividend. A loan will not be taken to be an unfranked dividend if it meets certain minimum rate and maximum term criteria.
The ATO has reminded taxpayers that they need to:
It’s essential that you understand Division 7A to:
The rules around Division 7A are complex. Talk to your tax adviser if you operate your business through a company (including if using a trust structure) and you intend to receive money from the company or use assets of the company.
Franking offset holding rule — LIFO method
Do you own shares? If you do, then you may be entitled to a franking offset in relation to franked dividends you receive. The effect that dividends are not taxed twice (in the hands of the company and the shareholder) is known as imputation.
To be entitled to a franking offset, a shareholder must satisfy certain integrity rules. One of these is the holding period requirement. Basically, this requires the shareholder to hold the relevant shares for at least 45 days.
Where a person buys substantially identical shares in a company over time, it can get complicated. So, the last-in first-out (LIFO) method is used to determine which shares (or interests in shares) are subject to testing for the purposes of the holding period requirement.
The LIFO method groups together the primary securities and related securities you hold in a company. The holding period requirement applies to this group. Once the group is established, any shares in the group that you sell are taken to be sold on a last-in first-out basis.
If (after applying the LIFO method) the shares or interest in shares were not held at risk for a continuous period of at least 45 days during the relevant qualification period, the taxpayer will not be entitled to the relevant franking credits.
The effect of the LIFO method is to prevent taxpayers from manipulating the period in which they hold shares in a company at risk.
The ATO has provided a simple example showing how the LIFO method works.
Example: buying and selling multiple parcels of shares
Jenny purchased and sold shares in a company. On:
To use the LIFO method, Jenny goes through the following steps.
Step 1: Jenny determines the group of shares on hand as of the ex-dividend date. The pre-ex-dividend date sales are grouped and matched on a last-in, first-out basis. She matches the:
The group on hand as at the ex-dividend date is 32,000 shares. This is made up of:
Step 2: Jenny applies the LIFO method to the third sale of shares (sold after the ex-dividend date).
Jenny meets the holding period requirement in relation to the ordinary dividend paid on the parcel 2 shares as Jenny held this parcel of shares for more than 45 days.
She matches the third sale against (in order):
Jenny acquired parcel 5 after the ex-dividend date and is not entitled to the dividend or franking credits on these shares. So, the parcel 5 shares are not part of the group of shares against which the sale 3 shares need to be matched for the purposes of the LIFO requirement.
The result is that Jenny does not meet the holding period requirement in relation to the franked dividend and therefore a franking credit entitlement is not available for parcel 4 shares (4,000 shares) and parcel 3 shares (10,000 shares). Jenny meets the holding period requirement for parcel 1 and the balance of parcel 2 as these parcels were held for more than 45 days, applying the LIFO method.
Unless other integrity rules apply, Jenny can claim the franking credits attached to the ordinary dividend paid on 18,000 shares (10,000 shares from parcel 1 and 8,000 from parcel 2). As Jenny does not meet the holding period requirement for the other 14,000 shares (10,000 shares from parcel 3 and 4,000 shares from parcel 4), she is not a qualified person in relation to the franked, ordinary dividend paid on these shares.
The franking credit integrity rules are complicated. Talk to your tax adviser before buying and selling shares.
Financial crime
Financial crime is not victimless and has a serious economic impact on the community. It also has significant direct impacts on individuals and businesses. Examples can include:
It is estimated that financial crime costs Australia up to $60 billion each year. Examples of financial crime include:
Like any crime, financial crimes are diverse in nature, scale and the amount of harm they cause. They are often structured in ways that combine legal and illegal transactions and payments, trying to make it difficult to unravel the full extent of the illegal activities.
Whether financial crime threats originate in Australia or offshore, they are usually enabled by facilitators and technology. For example, rapidly evolving technology and platforms help cyber criminals access information and sensitive data, making it easier for them to commit crimes against individuals, businesses and the government.
Indications of financial crime
When people commit financial crimes, they typically misrepresent or conceal the true nature of their transactions, assets or ownership of entities. Some of the indicators the ATO looks for include:
Tax evasion or fraud
Tax evasion involves some blameworthy act or omission by the taxpayer.
Tax fraud is more serious and involves the taxpayer making a false statement to the ATO about their tax or being recklessly careless about whether what they state is true or false.
Examples of fraud or evasion include:
Where there is enough evidence to suggest a person has acted knowingly or recklessly to dishonestly get a payment or refund from the ATO, the ATO consider referring the person for criminal investigation and prosecution.
How the ATO tackles financial crime
The ATO is a key participant in many taskforces and coordination groups. The shared goal is to identify and dismantle financial crime in Australia. Some of the ATO’s key partnerships include:
Internationally, the ATO works through alliances such as the Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement (J5), to crack criminal enterprises wide open.
The ATO’s partnerships allow it to share intelligence and information, bringing the most serious offenders of financial crime to account.
Have you been keeping good records?
If you have a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF), it is important to maintain good records.
There are many benefits to applying good record keeping habits for your SMSF. It is also a legal requirement.
The benefits of good record keeping include:
Remember, even if you use a superannuation or tax professional to administer your SMSF, each trustee is still responsible for good record keeping.
Prepare to lodge your SAR by 15 May
Your SMSF annual return (SAR) for 2022–23 is due by 15 May 2024. Accordingly, you need to have appointed an auditor by now (an auditor must be appointed no later than 45 days before lodgment of the SAR, i.e. no later than 1 April 2024 to meet the May 25 2024 deadline).
In preparation for your lodgment, you also need to:
Remember, if your SAR is more than two weeks overdue, and you have not contacted the ATO, the status of the SMSF will be changed on Super Fund Lookup to ‘Regulation details removed’. This status will remain until any overdue lodgments are brought up to date.
If you have a status of ‘Regulation details removed’, APRA funds will not be able to roll over member benefits and employers will not be able to make any superannuation guarantee payments to the fund’s members.
If you use a registered tax agent to prepare your SMSF’s annual return, talk to them as soon as possible.
Quarterly TBAR lodgment reminder
If you had transfer balance account events in the last quarter, you must lodge a TBAR by 28 April 2024.
SMSFs must report certain events that affect a member’s transfer balance account (TBA) quarterly using a transfer balance account report (TBAR). These events must be reported even if the member’s total superannuation balance is less than $1 million.
You must report and lodge within 28 days after the end of the quarter in which the event occurs. You are not required to lodge a TBAR if no TBA event occurred during the quarter.
You should always refer to event-based reporting for SMSFs and the TBAR instructions when preparing your TBAR.
You can lodge your TBAR through Online services for business or your tax agent can do it for you through their online services.
If your SMSF does not lodge a TBAR by the required date, the member’s transfer balance account may be adversely affected. The member may need to commute any amounts more than their cap and pay excess transfer balance tax.
Self-managed superannuation fund statistics
Have you ever wondered how many SMSFs there are in Australia? Well, as of 30 June 2023, there were 610,000 and SMSF assets totalled $876 billion, which is about 25% of all superannuation assets.
The ATO has published the latest statistical overview for SMSFs and it makes for interesting reading. Here are some of the highlights (the data relates to 2021–22 unless otherwise stated).
Final person sentenced over Operation Elbrus tax fraud
A Sutherland man was jailed in February for 4 years and 6 months, with a non-parole period of 2 years and 3 months, for his role in the Plutus Payroll fraud. He was the final person to be sentenced under Operation Elbrus.
Operation Elbrus was a joint Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Australian Taxation Office (ATO) investigation that became a key focus for the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce in 2017. The Sutherland man is the fifteenth person to have been sentenced.
The operation revealed that a group of people used payroll services companies to divert PAYG withholding and GST owed to the ATO. The total amount defrauded was $105 million.
The Sutherland man, who was a long-term friend of one the main conspirators, operated a company that received funds from the conspiracy, and made and received payments that personally benefited his friend and himself.
He was found guilty of:
This follows the sentencing of a Menai man, 36, and a Vaucluse man, 53, in August, who both received 15 years’ imprisonment.
Developer jailed for tax fraud
A developer who conspired to lodge fraudulent BASs has been convicted and sentenced to 10 years in jail with a non-parole period of 6 years and 8 months.
The developer was involved with two companies that formed part of a group known as the ‘Hightrade Group’. The Hightrade Group developed properties such as a hotel and golf course in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales.
The developer fraudulently obtained GST refunds by using three tiers of companies (developers, building companies and suppliers) to grossly inflate the construction costs of his developments. The companies he was involved with also claimed to have purchased goods when no such purchases had occurred. In total, the developer intended to cause a loss to the Commonwealth of more than $15 million.
Three and a half year sentence for attempting to defraud the ATO
A Wheelers Hill man was sentenced in December 2023 to 3 years and 6 months imprisonment for defrauding the ATO of nearly $35,000 and attempting to defraud the ATO of a further $458,000. The non-parole period is 2 years and 3 months.
The man pleaded guilty to two counts of attempting to obtain financial advantage by deception and one count of obtaining financial advantage by deception.
The joint AFP and ATO Serious Financial Crime Taskforce investigation began in June 2020, after the ATO linked the man to a number of suspicious claims, including 40 fraudulent applications for JobKeeper. The value of fraudulent claims totalled $492,957.
Date | Obligation |
29 Apr 2024* | March 2024 quarterly BAS due |
Pay March 2024 quarterly PAYG instalment | |
Employee superannuation guarantee contributions due | |
27 May 2024* | 2023–24 FBT return due |
28 May 2024 | March 2024 SG statement due (if required) |
30 June 2024 | End of 2023–24 financial year |
1 July 2024 | Start of 2024–25 financial year Stage 3 personal income tax cuts (as redesigned) |
29 July 2024* | June 2024 quarterly BAS due |
Pay June 2024 quarterly PAYG instalment | |
14 Aug 2024 | PAYG withholding annual report due if not reporting through Single Touch Payroll (STP) |
28 Aug 2024 | June quarter SG statement due Taxable payments annual report due |
*This is the next business day as the due date falls on a Saturday or Sunday.
Note! Talk to your tax agent to confirm the correct due dates for your own tax obligations. For example, you may have more time to lodge and pay if impacted by COVID-19 or a natural disaster.